
How should I store my Nature’s Craft products?

Store your supplement and gummy bottles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

How long are Nature’s Craft products good for?

Our products have a shelf life of 2 years. The expiration date of each product is listed on all bottles and boxes.

Can I take two different Nature’s Craft Supplements a day?

At Nature’s Craft, we believe you should always attempt to get the nutrients you need from real food, but sometimes it can be hard to get everything your body needs. More is not necessarily better.

Are Nature’s Craft Products Non GMO?

Yes! All Nature’s Craft products are non-GMO.

Can I take more than the recommeded dose?

We do not recommend exceeding the suggested daily dose.


Can I track my package?

We will send a shipping confirmation email once your order is on its way, which will include a tracking link.

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders over $30!

How can I update my shipping information?

Your shipping address and information can be updated in the Account Details in your account.

How can I modify or cancel my order?

Please reach out to us at

How long will it take my order to arrive?

You should receive your order in 3-5 business days once it has shipped. However, due to the effects of the pandemic on global logistics, there may be delays with transit times.


Is there a minimum order amount for subscription?

There is not a minimum order amount to begin or continue a subscription.

How do I remove or add products in my subscription?

Log into your account and click on "Manage Subscriptions" under the "Account Details" column.

Do you accept returns/ issue refunds?

Yes, We do accept refunds as long as the products has not been processed for shipping

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