How a healthy gut can contribute to your well-being.

How a healthy gut can contribute to your well-being.

12 de July, 2023Muhammad Zakaria

The phrase “healthy gut” has been tossed around with increased frequency in the last few years as more attention has been drawn to the importance of a healthy gut, how this can prevent illness, and ways in which a healthy or unhealthy gut can be identified. At Nature’s Craft, we recognize the importance of maintaining your gut health with only the best, scientifically-backed ingredients.

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The health of your gut plays a critical role in the function of your immune system as 70% of it resides in your gut. A staggering 100 trillion bacteria within our gut directly affect our health and metabolism. The role of this bacteria is to consume and break down dietary fiber while also producing vitamin B and K vitamins. Breaking down dietary fiber helps to release helpful anti-inflammatory acids that our bodies rely heavily on for energy. Problems with our immune systems may often be traced back to the health of your gut not being in balance. 

A healthy gut wall also acts as a protective barrier to stop viruses, fungi, and bad bacteria from entering the bloodstream. The importance of gut health is further emphasized by the fact that an unhealthy gut may harm one's mental health. Gut bacteria can stimulate the nervous system and send messages to the brain through the vagus nerve. They may also be impacted by stress, causing an imbalance and affecting the overall health. The ‘gut-brain axis’ refers to the relationship between the gut and the brain 

Indicators of Good Gut Health

The best indicator of a healthy gut is often found in your stool. Firm, brown stools that pass with little to no effort or pain are a sign of a healthy gut. Also, keep an eye on how bloated and gassy you feel during your day as excessive gas and persistent bloating may be cause for concern. 

Indicators of Poor Gut Health

Obvious indicators of poor gut health include:

Nausea and vomiting
Loose stools

There are also a variety of other symptoms that may not be linked to the gut but may be indicators of a more serious underlying problem. These symptoms include feeling fatigued and experiencing poor sleep quality. Surprisingly, skin irritation is also an indicator of an unhappy gut (Ellis et al, 2019). Continued bad breath is also an indicator of problems with the digestive system. (Mudge, 2022)

 Foods That Promote Gut Health

Eating highly processed, high-fat, and sugary foods and drinks regularly are not conducive to a healthy microbiome and encourages harmful bacteria. Foods that encourage the growth of useful bacteria include:

 High fiber foods - These foods include legumes like chickpeas and black beans, whole grains like quinoa and oats, and vegetables like asparagus and broccoli.



Fermented foods - They are a great source of probiotics and include sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt



Garlic - A study conducted on mice revealed that garlic may improve gut microbiome diversity and gut health (Chen et al, 2019)


 Collagen-rich foods - This includes bone broth, salmon skin, meat, eggs, citrus fruits, and nuts.

Ways To Improve Your Gut Health

Dietary changes play an important role in improving your gut health, however, making certain lifestyle changes is equally as important. High stress levels have a detrimental impact on your body, including your gut. Ways to mitigate high stress levels include mindfulness exercises, going for walks, and spending time with loved ones regularly. A consistent lack of good quality sleep may also eventually affect your gut health. 7-8 hours of sleep per night will ensure you wake up feeling well rested. Many people that suffer from excessive bloating, gas, and abdominal pain may also be suffering from food intolerances. Identifying a food that is causing these symptoms and removing it from your diet, may encourage a positive change in your digestive health.
Integral to Nature’s Craft is our belief in the power of good healthy food, an active lifestyle, and taking supplements. Each supplement has been carefully created to adequately fill nutritional gaps that may lead to health problems later on. We also guarantee only the best natural ingredients that have been thoroughly tested in 3rd party labs.


Ellis, S. (2019). The Skin and Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Common Dermatologic Conditions. Microorganisms.

Mudge, L. (2022). What is gut health and why is it important? Live Science. 

Understanding Gut Health: Signs of an Unhealthy Gut and What to Do About It. (2022). Healthline. 

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